Snap-on TSS Heavy Duty Products Showcased at National Farm Machinery Show

Feb. 4, 2025 – A wide variety of Snap-on® Total Shop Solutions (TSS) heavy duty and fleet equipment will be showcased at the 2025 National Farm Machinery Show® held Feb. 12-15 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville.

“Snap-on Total Shop Solutions offers some of the highest performing and productive heavy-duty equipment solutions in the industry,” said Mariana Montovaneli, director of marketing for Snap-on Equipment. “The National Farm and Machinery show is the ideal place to share our latest innovative heavy-duty and fleet focused products with event attendees. We invite all who will be there to stop by our booth and see these state-of-the-art products in action.”

The Hofmann® 2400P Wheel Balancer will be on display and in action at the TSS booth (#2405). Offering extra strength and speed, the Hofmann 2400P provides unparalleled accuracy and advanced features that consistently deliver. Developed to be versatile, the 2400P works with both standard and electric vehicle wheels (EV ready).

Heavy duty mobile column lifts from Challenger Lifts will be available for demonstrations at the TSS booth. Attendees will see how the versatile CLHM-140 lift provides the perfect balance of strength and maneuverability, making it ideal for use on any solid surface, whether indoors or outdoors. Challenger Lifts will also have the 10K Versymmetric® Two-Post Adjustable Lift, 12K Heavy-Duty Two-Post Adjustable Lift and 16K Heavy-Duty Two-Post Adjustable Lift on display.

The new Pro-Cut X1 HD On-Truck Brake Lathe, the Pro-Cut X19, the world’s first cordless on-car lathe, and the Pro-Cut B17 mobile combination lathe will all be featured at the TSS booth where showgoers can see firsthand how hours can be saved and profitability increased by resurfacing brake discs with these three  innovative products.